10+ Lessons For My Younger Self & You On My Birthday

Aimee Kestenberg’s Advice For Anyone Who Needs It Right Now ♥️

1. It’s a Big World…

Aimee: "We are so small on this planet.. most of the shit we stress about just doesn't matter… when I feel overwhelmed, I like to close my eyes and zoom out in my mind from where I am. Out, out, out until I'm looking down on the earth from space… we are smaller than a grain of sand. Calms me down and puts things in perspective."

2. Embrace Community and Connection.

Aimee: “I once believed a partner could fill all my needs, but I’ve learned that no one person can be everything. Partners are just imperfect humans like us. True fulfillment comes from a supportive community and diverse experiences, not from relying on one individual. We are meant to share our lives with others and build meaningful connections beyond just one person.”

3. Be selfish.

Aimee: "Be selfish. Women are raised to put their needs last on the list. Put yourself and your needs first unapologetically. When you are thriving, everything around you can bloom. We can't pour from an empty cup."

4. When all else fails, look inward.

Aimee: "Life can be beautiful and equally overwhelming. When the noise gets too loud, take a step back, retreat, connect with nature and silence, and find your peace in solitude."

5. NO is a complete sentence. 

Aimee: “We should say it more! Boundaries are your best friend. Don't try to do it all at once. Reflect and decide what I want that are non-negotiable. It could be simple. For me, it's Friday night dinner with my family: no work, no phones, dedicated time with those I love most. I used to feel guilty for taking this time, but these moments filled my cup. Think about the moments that fill yours."

6. Not everyone will like you, and that's ok.

Aimee: "People are complex, and the only person you need to love you is YOU. That's the relationship that you should be working the hardest on. Mental, physical, and spiritual alignment to be grounded in your truth."

7. Say it and be loud about it. 

Aimee: "People respect people who respect themselves. If your boss is rude, tell them you don't appreciate being spoken to in a certain way. If you love someone, tell them. Life is too short not to be upfront with how you feel. 

8. If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Aimee: “If you can envision it, you can make it happen. There is real power in manifestation. Dream big and remember that big dreams don't align with small minds - don't let anyone dull your light because they don't see it or understand you. I've spent most of my life being misunderstood and feeling alone. But I continued to work on my self-growth, and only after 12 years of searching have I found my people. 

9. The power of three.

Aimee: “Focus on no more than three tasks at a time. I always carry one journal and have three lists, each with three goals—one for work, one for personal, and one for my friends/family. Once a week, I do an extensive brain dump list and move one up to the three lists as needed.”

10. You are your inner circle. 

Aimee: “You are who you keep close to you. In everything I’ve gone through, no matter how tough, I realized asking for help is ok. Being vulnerable is a superpower, and our time is the most valuable thing we own - use it wisely on those who deserve it and fill your heart and soul with connection and love.”

Bonus: Don’t ever settle. 

Aimee: “You deserve and can have everything you want in your life. It takes hard work and focus, but anything is possible.”